Check the number of mobile connections working in your name

మీ పేరు తో ఏన్ని ఫోన్ నెంబర్లు ఉన్నాయో తెలుసుకోండి.

Check the number of mobile connections working in your name, and take necessary action. TAFCOP (Telecom Analytics  for Fraud Management  & Consumer Protection) is Indian government website, This website has been developed to help subscribers.

Through this website very subscriber check the mobiles of mobiles connections working in their name.

Process to Check

Step :-1 Click below Link

Step:-2 Enter Your Mobile number (any one)

Step:-3 A six digits OTP send your mobile, Enter OTP and click on Validate

Step:- 4 Screen shows all mobile numbers in your Name, check and You may choose select the number that are not in your name or not required and submit your report.

Note:- No action is required for the numbers you need to retain. Currently this facility is available in Andhra Pradesh, Kerala ,Rajasthan, Telangana, Jammu& Khashmir ,Meghalaya,Tripura, Mizoram, Arunachala Pradesh, Nagaland Consumers

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